The Basic Guide To RC Car Turn marshalling

Many people who have never drove at a organized R/C Race track may have not heard this term before. So I am going to start off with the basic definition of a turn marshal. A Turn Marshal is driver that immediately returns to the track turns over cars after his or her race. Here are the responsibilities of the turn marshal:

1) Help maintain a clear race course for competitors.

2) Assist vehicles that have become unable to move because of a crash or spin.

3) To remove from the track and disable vehicles that are unable to continue because of mechanical
problems (By the shut off switch whenever possible or unplugging the battery with electric vehicles and the appropriate method to shut down a gas vehicle).

Provide an open race course for the rest of the racers as QUICKLY and SAFELY as possible.
If you race, you have an obligation to Marshal. Different tracks handle marshaling differently. Some tracks have numbered pylons corresponding with your starting position to indicate where you assignment is. Others just allow you to pick a corner or area of the track. In Either situation, after your race is over, disable your vehicle and return the transponder as quickly as possible and go to your Marshalling position. This will help the race day go smooth and as quickly as possible.

Here are the basics of turn marshaling:

1) When on the track be sure you are not standing in a driver’s line of sight or blocking a view of a portion of the race track.

2) Stay focused on your assigned portion of the racetrack. It is easy to get caught up in watching the race and miss getting someone on their way or clearing the track quickly in a crash.

3) First to crash is first to be flipped in multi vehicle pileups.

4) Be impartial- Every driver and car should be treated equally. Don't turn over a friend or family members vehicle first if they were on the tail end of a crash.

5) Never step into oncoming traffic to get a disabled car. These vehicles, Electric or Gas are traveling at a speed that could easily injure you if you are struck by one of them. Wait for a reasonably clear place to move to the disabled vehicle. MOVE QUICKLY.

6) Never put a vehicle in the path of oncoming traffic. The proper method is either wait until traffic is past and reset or lift the car off the track to keep other cars from hitting it and then place it back in the race when traffic is clear.

7) Set the vehicle, not throw it on the track going in the right direction. Don't just turn it over and let the driver to make a large turn to get going in the right direction. Set the vehicle in a position that the driver can quickly reenter the race on his own. Be aware of vehicles that have jumped over barriers. Put them on the track where they left the track and not where they landed. On tracks with a lot of switch backs this could advance the vehicle unfairly ahead of competitors.

8) Attempt to repair minor damage if you can quickly, (Popped Rod ends, loose batteries, dislocated CVD’s, wedged in body parts, etc. Remember... The Cars still in the race have priority!!!! If you have to, hand the vehicle over to a friend of the driver or just shut it off and tend to the track.

9) If you are not able to Marshal the next race, it is your responsibility to inform the track officials or find a replacement marshal. At many tracks you are penalized a lap or disqualified for not Marshalling and not informing the officials.

10) Please remember when you are driving, Do not scream at the marshals. Abusive language is not acceptable. If they don't see your vehicle, then yes you can get there attention. Treat people like you want to be treated.
Here are a few things to be aware of. Be conscience of areas of the vehicle that can harm you.
Gas engines have exhaust systems that get hot and electric motors get very hot too. Be cautious of moving parts. Wheels, axles, and flywheels can all cause injuries. When on the drivers stand, please wait until the Marshal has released your vehicle for their safety, before hitting the throttle. Make sure you don't have things in your pockets that can fall out on the track as you are assisting vehicles.

In closing, there is a time and place for everything. When you are marshalling a race, it is not the time for a smoke or to eat. Surely you can wait until the race is over for those things. There is a saying that holds true, rf you don't like being Marshaled don't crash. The most important thing to remember is that we are all out there to have fun.

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